Custom Incenses


Burning of incenses is a practice that has been around for centuries. The swirling, distinct, lightly smoky scenting aroma of incense sticks helps in creating a space by setting the right atmosphere for calming mind after a long day, or to begin your day with prayers to the higher power. That is not all, our specially soaked custom incenses are made by hand dipping them into a variety of essential oils to set your mood for the environment that you want to be in. For example, if you like to work out or study-an incense that is dipped in Rosemary essential oil will let you stay focused. Or, if you like to be in a relaxed mood while doing your chores, an extra fancy Ylang Ylang dipped incense stick would elevate your mind in a manner  that may increase your level of performance while feeling well composed or without being burdened by the work. For a spiritual minded person, burning a specific aromatic incense(s) late at night or before bedtime serves the purpose. For self-healing a custom dipped incense plays a wonderful role.

If you are not sure what you want, here are some example: 

  •  "Energizing Incense (Ylang Ylang)"
  •  "Mood Lifting (Lavender)"
  •  "Focus Lifting (Rosemary)"
  •  "Fire of Passsion (Palo Santo)"
  •  "Destress Yourself (Juniper Berry)" 


For inquiry about any custom incenses of your choice hit us a line and our aromatherapist will guide you through the products you need: